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Online Learning Opportunities

Our community is connected by the shared belief that a just and thriving world is possible. We take pride in curating the authentic and meaningful connections that help us reach that mission.

In 2019, The Yale Center for Business and the Environment embarked on a pioneering venture, launching one of Yale University's first online certificate programs. It was a pilot, an experiment to understand what virtual non-degree bearing programs could become, and to showcase the transformative impact of online learning at Yale. Since then, we have launched a Coursera course in Connected Leadership with over 35,000 learners enrolled in its first six months. And, in January 2024 we will launch the Clean Equitable Energy Development online program in partnership with the Yale Center for Environmental Justice.

Our mission is clear - to inspire, support, and accelerate the transition to a just and thriving world. At CBEY, we believe in the power of connection, the synergy of ideas, and the mobilization of resources to foster innovative business and cross-sector solutions to the most pressing global challenges of our time. Our commitment to online education has made critical knowledge accessible to thousands and has helped build powerful networks of learners and leaders worldwide.

FDCE with Handsome Dan

The inaugural cohort of Financing and Deploying Clean Energy with our V.I.P. Handsome Dan!

Join our powerful learning community!


We currently offer three different learning opportunities for working professionals from around the world. These can be taken individually or in sequence. Our recommended sequence is outlined below, but your journey is unique! You absolutely can take them in any order that suits your needs best.

Download this two-page document that gives you an "at-a-glance" view of these three opportunities.

Connected Leadership

Peter's Web Banner for Connected Leadership

Connected Leadership is an online course designed to maximize your ability to create change at the individual, team, and system levels.

Through study, reflection, and deploying practical tools, you will establish a firm connection between your clearly articulated purpose, effective priorities, visualized potential for success, and pathway to maximized progress. The key objective of this course is to inspire and empower you to develop your personal style of leadership, improve your ability to get more out of life, and create positive change.

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Financing and Deploying Clean Energy

Energy System


This online certificate program is for working professionals who seek to accelerate an equitable transition to a clean economy.

The key objective of the Financing and Deploying Clean Energy (FDCE) program is to grow a powerful network of clean energy experts at the forefront of our energy transition, and help professionals understand the interplay of the financial, technological, and socioeconomic drivers in financing and deploying clean energy. The FDCE program builds understanding about this pivotal moment in our energy transition, makes sense of the complex landscape of clean energy, and, importantly, highlights key levers for change in various sectors and supports immediate implementation.

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Clean and Equitable Energy Development

Indigenized Energy panel assembly


This online certificate connects and supports communities of leaders, advocates, and working professionals to generate and improve social and economic participation in energy systems.

The key objective of the Clean and Equitable Energy Development (CEED) program is to support policymakers, developers, and communities impacted by energy projects to understand key justice principles and their implications in the development process, build capacity for the design of clean energy projects that advance equity, and grow a network of leaders advancing an equitable transition to a clean economy.

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Want to learn more?

Want to learn more?

Contact us for more information about our online programs.

Stuart DeCew

Coral Bielecki