Sabrina Korman

Sabrina Korman is a third-year joint degree candidate at the Yale School of Management and Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies. She is particularly interested in helping companies integrate sustainability thinking into their strategy and operations to drive business growth. Sabrina spent her grad school summers at Tesla and Juniper Networks doing just that.
Prior to Yale, she held positions at the Principles for Responsible Management (PRME) Secretariat at the UN Global Compact, CARE International in Lao PDR, and the White House Council on Environmental Quality, strengthening relationships between the environment and society on national and global scales. She currently works as a Materials and Procurement Research Associate at the Yale Office of Sustainability, is a Teaching Fellow for Corporate Environmental Management & Strategy, and is a Graduate Affiliate for Benjamin Franklin College. In the past, she led the Industrial Environmental Management and Energy Student Interest Group at FES and continues to be involved.
Sabrina holds a B.A. in Sustainable Development from Columbia University and is excited to turn her passion into action on Yale’s campus and beyond.