Justin Freiberg

Justin Freiberg currently serves as a Managing Director at the Yale Carbon Containment Lab, based out of the Yale School of the Environment. Previously, he founded and directed the Yale Landscape Lab, which utilized the whole of Yale West Campus to create fascinating new venues and support structures for game-changing applied research. He also co-founded and directed Yale Cultivate Health, which seeks to build new ways of teaching within the health sciences.
Justin’s background is in building environmental collaborations: he co-founded Encendia Biochar, as well as the Urban Foodshed Collaborative, both of which aimed to close material and social loops to create resilient, sustainable systems. Past work with the Wildlife Conservation Society, Added Value, the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh, the US-Asia Institute, and Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture has taught Justin to create programming that engages communities around shared interests in the natural environment, food and farming, and entrepreneurship. Justin holds a Masters from the Yale School of the Environment, an M.A. and B.A. in psychology from Wesleyan University, and a Certificate in Conservation Biology from Columbia University. He has apprenticed under farmers in Italy, France, and the U.S.