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CBEYond the degree - a webinar for Yale alumni

This interactive webinar will focus on recent work coming out of the center and ways for alumni to "CBEYond" the degree and engage with us. Join us!

We'll talk about:

  • Evolving role in curriculum  Educating future leaders in business and the environment is at the core of what we do, and the role we play at SOM and F&ES continues to expand.
  • Continuing to grow our activities in social & environmental entrepreneurship – From climate change to blockchain, our programming continues to be leading edge and support student interests.  Also, we are excited to welcome a new Entrepreneurship and Innovation Fellow to CBEY!  
  • New thinking in sustainable finance – The Yale Initiative on Sustainable Finance (YISF) aims to produce fresh thinking and cutting-edge research on the challenges of integrating sustainability concerns into financial markets and investment decisions. 
  • States of clean energy innovation  Our new initiative through the Clean Energy Finance Forum will showcase innovations, models and challenges from diverse regions of the United States, providing useful state-level information to help professionals make business and policy decisions. 
  • Engaging with CBEY – CBEY's success is driven by our community of innovative and engaged alumni who run toward intractable and systemic environmental problems to find solutions. There are many ways for you to engage with CBEY and inspire current students while bringing new thinking to your work.
  • Your thoughts and ideas – We want to hear from you!  We'll have ample time to field questions and hear thoughts from the live audience.


Thanks to all the alumni who attended the event!  We enjoyed your thoughtful questions and would love feedback on what you'd like to hear about next time.  Miss the webinar?  Watch it below:


Also happy to share our slides from the webinar with you!  They can be found here.