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Phillip Dube

Land Acquisitions Manager at Intersect Power
Master of Environmental Management 2020
Phillip Dube

Phillip graduated from the Yale School of Forestry studying Environmental Studies. His work there focused on innovative financing for water-related green infrastructure in arid climates (The American West, South East Australia, and Southern Africa). He interned with the Natural Infrastructure Team at World Resources Institute in the summer of 2019 and he developed a tool that helps cities research and understand finance for green infrastructure.

Phillip worked at a groundwater consulting firm in Southern California immediately before graduate school. Prior to his work in Southern California, he was an Executive Fellow at the California Air Resources Board, a state agency that regulates air pollution and manages California's cap-and-trade program.

Phillip holds a BA in Environmental Studies with a concentration in Environmental Economics from Bates College, Maine. His undergraduate capstone work focused on the unintended consequences of large scale water market transactions in the American West, Australia, and Southern Africa.

Phillip is a regular contributor to This Week in Africa, a weekly newsletter on daily life, politics, and development in Africa.