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Yale Initiative on Sustainable Finance (YISF)

Donors and Sponsors

The Yale Initiative on Sustainable Finance is funded by the generous support of foundations, organizations and individuals.

Current sponsors

YISF is grateful for the generous donations from Arvella Investments, The Program on Social Enterprise, Innovation and Impact (PSEII), and the Ida and Robert Gordon Family Foundation which support the development of our research activities.

Other sponsors

We are also thankful to BNY Mellon and BNP Paribas for their support.

final thank you

The initiative is housed at the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy and the Yale Center for Business and the Environment. These Centers will facilitate semi-annual workshops reporting on research progress and sharing ideas with collaborators and advisors.

Donate to YISF

Donate to YISF

To make a donation, please visit this link and follow the instructions below:

1. Click “Colleges & Schools”

2. Under “Filter designations,” click “Please Choose” and select “Colleges & Schools – School of the Environment”

3. Click “Other.”

4. Click “Continue.”

5. On the next page, under “Other,” please specify “YCELP - Yale Initiative on Sustainable Finance.”

6. Fill out the remainder of the form and then submit.

For questions or to discuss collaborations, please contact