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Linh Manh Le

Yale College 2022

Linh is a junior student at Yale College studying Chemical Engineering and Global Affairs, and is also a member of the Energy Studies Program. Hailing from the tropical metropolis of Hanoi, Vietnam, he became interested in the energy landscape, particularly frontier technologies for use optimization, its geopolitics, and accessibility issues within the country and Southeast Asia. At Yale, he works with Professor Jaehong Kim on the National Alliance for Water Innovation’s industrial water baseline and roadmap effort, and in the lab of Professor Mingjiang Zhong on polymer chemistry in solid-state batteries and other applications. For CBEY, Linh writes for the Clean Energy Finance Forum, focusing on reviewing novel technologies and understanding their market spaces/investment opportunities, and will be involved with the OpenLab’s Climate Collabathon. He is also involved with the Yale International Relations Association as a former Board of Directors member, dances along his favorite K-Pop songs with Yale Movement, and works for Project Bright’s outreach initiatives. In his free time, Linh loves watching random Youtube song collections, making green smoothies, and biking around New Haven.