Douglass Sims

Doug is Senior Advisor for Green Finance and Director of the Center for Market Innovation at the Natural Resources Defense Council. His role is to lead advocacy related to the design and implementation of market-based frameworks for increasing investment in renewable energy and climate-resilient infrastructure in the United States and around the world.
In 2012 and 2013, he was instrumental in the launch of the New York Green Bank and currently is working green banks in California and other states. Douglass also sits on the standards committee of the Climate Bonds Initiative, is a leader of the Green City Bondscoalition and is advisor on energy poverty to the Clinton Global Initiative. Over the past 15 years, Douglass has worked ininternational and national emerging markets first as a senior projectfinance attorney at a leading international law firm and, since 2010, at the Center for Market Innovation where he co-leads CMI and focuses on next generation energy, food, water, shelter and infrastructure investments. Douglass holds a JD from Harvard Law School and BA from Stanford University.