David Millar
David Millar is Principal of Markets, Legislative, and Regulatory Policy at Wartsila Energy where he advocates on behalf of evidence-based policies that promote a cost-effective and reliable energy transition. Previously he was Managing Director of Resource Planning and Procurement at Ascend Analytics where he worked with utilities developing resource and decarbonization strategies as well as procurement of clean energy and storage. He has also worked at Pacific Gas and Electric in regulatory affairs and energy procurement; Lawrence Berkeley Lab in regulatory policy analysis; and in energy and climate consulting.
He has a Master's degree in Environmental Management from Duke University with a concentration in Energy Economics and Policy. He also has a B.S. and B.A. in Earth Sciences and Politics from the University of California, Santa Cruz. In his free time, David spends time with his wife and identical twin 3-year-old boys and when he can sneak away, skiing, climbing, and biking near his home in Boulder, CO.