Water Markets in Texas: Challenge and Opportunity
Over the next 30 years, Texas's population is set to double, driving a projected 35 percent increase in municipal water demand. While cities and industries are well positioned to capture the water they'lI need to enable this growth, downstream water users such as agricultural producers, rural communities and our rivers and bays are less water secure than ever before. Avoiding these potential water shortages will require investments that transcend sectors and enable innovative tools that will work in Texas' pro-property rights culture.
On March 9th, Dr. Quinn McColly, Conservation Finance Director at Texas Water Trade, will join us for a conversation about how Texas Water Trade leverages market mechanisms to protect water for rural communities and nature. His talk will cover Texas’ regulatory landscape, the need to restore groundwater and surface water flows, and how water markets are one potential tool to do so.
Miss the event? Watch the recording;