The Green Bank Network: Connecting Leaders in Green Finance to Share Best Practices and Increase Green Investment

The Green Bank Network (GBN) was launched at the Paris COP21, and was established to help meet the urgent need of increasing investment in and deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies worldwide. The global GBN platform will allow Green Banks and other key industry stakeholders to learn about leading Green Bank practices in order to increase clean energy and green infrastructure investment. This knowledge sharing includes information on innovative Green Bank financial structures, Green Bank methods for market development, real transaction data and descriptions of how the Green Bank model can be implemented throughout the world.
This webinar will provide an overview of the GBN, its purpose, function and what it will provide members and the financial and clean energy community at large. The webinar will feature speakers from three founding member banks that will showcase real-world and upcoming market deals. Presentations will be made by:
- Gavin Templeton, UK Green Investment Bank, presenting on innovations in markets, technologies and financial products. He will also provide a look at the future of the UK-GIB and expanding its “green and profitable” business model to emerging markets.
- Michael Friedlander, NY Green Bank, speaking to NYGB’s market-responsive origination process which has resulted in financing for various technologies. He will discuss NY Green Bank’s role in advancing a unique single turbine lease model and a utility-scale wind farm providing power to a NY university.
- Bert Hunter, Connecticut Green Bank, presenting on co-investment to promote increased investment in residential solar. He will discuss the Solar Loan and Solar Lease programs, as well as CT-GB’s new low/moderate income Solar + Energy Efficiency product.
This webinar is brought to you by the Coalition for Green Capital (CGC), the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and the Yale Center for Business and the Environment (CBEY).
About the GBN: In December 2015 at the Paris COP21 meetings, six founding GBN members announced their participation in the Green Bank Network: the UK Green Investment Bank, the Australian Clean Energy Finance Corporation, the Japan Green Fund, the Connecticut Green Bank, the New York Green Bank, and the Malaysia GreenTechnology Financing Scheme. These Green Banks are working with two non-profit organizations, the National Resource Defense Council (NRDC) and the Coalition for Green Capital (CGC), to build the Green Bank Network, with funding from ClimateWorks for 2016. Other stakeholders and participants in the network include capital providers such as commercial banks and institutional investors, clean energy technology companies, project developers, and government policymakers.