Secondary Markets in Action: Case Studies of Mobilizing Capital for Energy Efficiency
Access to secondary market capital could enable a dramatic scaling of the clean energy marketplace. Please join us for this second webinar on a new report from the State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network (SEE Action) about accessing secondary markets for energy efficiency. A follow-up to the webinar on “Secondary Markets: A Sustainable Capital Source for Energy Efficiency,” this webinar will explore in more depth several secondary market transactions that have been executed in different states and market segments.
The webinar will cover: (1) three real-world secondary market transactions for energy efficiency; (2) structure and performance of these transactions; and (3) lessons learned and advice from the field. It will feature Adam Zimmerman (Craft3), Allison Moy (Self-Help Credit Union), Bert Hunter (Connecticut Green Bank), and John Byrne (Delaware's Sustainable Energy Utility).
This webinar series is brought to you by the State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network (SEE Action) Financing Solutions Working Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), and the Yale Center for Business and the Environment's Clean Energy Finance Forum. It is based on a recent report from the SEE Action Network, facilitated by the U.S. Department of Energy/U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The full report can be downloaded here.