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On Campus | Career Conversation

CliMates - Business & Environment Career Strategies Part 2

CliMates 2024-25 is being revamped with a focus on Business and Environment (B&E) recruiting. Our goal is to create a weekly space where people across Yale School of Management (SOM) and Yale School of the Environment (YSE) can gather to manage the recruiting process, keep ourselves accountable, and learn about B&E topics from our peers.

Kevin Doyle, Director of YSE Career and Professional Development Office, will lead a follow-on session from last month's introduction to B&E career strategies. This workshop session will focus on identifying a problem statement and brainstorming your community of practice/career variables.

There will be a third session on 11/18 at lunch that builds on this workshop to explore the toolkit of building your network and finding jobs that match your problem statement and community of practice. We think you will get the most out of these sessions if you are able to attend both, but please still come to one even if you can't make the other.

This event is sponsored by Center for Business and Environment at Yale (CBEY), SOM B&E Club, and YSE B&E Learning Community.

Please join us for Lunch!
*We are committed to reducing waste at our event. Therefore, we ask that when you register, you commit to doing your best to attend.