Calculating Cost and Carbon Savings of Clean Heating & Cooling Technologies - A Look at CESA's Progress

The Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) is a leading US coalition of state energy organizations to accelerate clean energy expansion. CESA has been working on a regional multi-state Clean Heating & Cooling (CH&C) Calculator for several years. This calculator provides a common, regional platform to estimate the cost savings and greenhouse gas emissions reductions of switching to clean heating and cooling technologies. The first version of this tool targets homeowners and is designed to be user-friendly, simple, yet accurate. The second phase of the work improves the previous framework and develops an installer version with more complex and detailed questions.
In this webinar, Project Director Val Stori will walk through the tool, explaining the methodology, tool inputs, and results. The Connecticut and Rhode Island tools will be available soon and free to access. The Massachusetts and New York tools will be released in 2022.
About the Renewable Thermal Alliance webinar series:
The Renewable Thermal Alliance (RTA), a public-private partnership initiated by NYSERDA, CT Green Bank, and Yale University, aims to develop the infrastructure for large-scale deployment of renewable thermal technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through energy savings and fuel shifting. Our webinar series highlights recipients of the 2020 RTA Seed Innovation Grants on policy, technology, and market developments in renewable heating and cooling.