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2022 YISF Annual Symposium: The Parallel Pressures of Sustainable Finance

The Yale Initiative on Sustainable Finance (YISF) is delighted to host its 2022 Annual Symposium to explore the parallel pressures that are shaping sustainable finance. With our diverse set of speakers and expert panelists, the conversation will feature fresh thinking and cutting-edge insights on impact investing, climate risks, the transition, regulation, and other emerging issues in the world of sustainable finance – especially those of interest to the sustainable investing community. 

The theme of the symposium is:

Between Market Demand and Regulatory Scrutiny:
The Parallel Pressures of Sustainable Finance


The 2022 Annual Symposium will take place in person at Yale University in New Haven (CT).

(Participation to the event is free of charge)


8:30 – 9:00               Coffee and Welcome

9:00 – 10:00             Opening plenary on sustainable investment

Saker Nusseibeh CBE, CEO of Federated Hermes Ltd

Georg Kell, Chairman of Arabesque and Founder of the UN Global Compact

Chaired by Valerie S. Grant, Managing Director at Nuveen


10:15 – 11:30          Parallel panels session

Panel 1: Climate-related Financial Risks
Chair: Tracey Lewis (Public Citizen)
Nailing Down Volatile Temperatures: Examining their Effects on Asset Prices, Atreya Dey (University of Edinburgh)
Climate Laws and Cross-Border Mergers & Acquisitions, Fei Xie (University of Delaware)
The ESG Home Bias, Stefan Zeume (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Panel 2: Using Natural Language Processing
Chair: Corinne Neale (BNY Mellon)
Using Natural Language Processing to Establish Links Between Corporate Management Control Descriptions and Climate Change Risks, Shadi Fadaee (Vanguard)
Climate finance innovation: the value of machine learning, Andrés Alonso (Banco de España)
Capital Market Reactions to Managerial Framing of Emerging Strategic Issues, Sebastian A. Tideman (Syracuse University)


11:45 – 1:00             Parallel panels session

Panel 3: Finance in the Transition
Chair: Ilmi Granoff (Columbia University)
The Great Carbon Arbitrage?, Alissa M. Kleinnijenhuis (Stanford University)
Managerial and Financial Barriers during the Green Transition, Ralph de Haas (EBRD)
Environmental Externalities, Corporate Bond Spreads, and the Role of Policy, Karol Kempa (Frankfurt School of Finance and Management)

Panel 4: Central Banking
Chair: Sigríður Benediktsdóttir (Yale Jackson School of Global Affairs)
The rising tide lifts some interest rates: climate change, natural disasters, and loan pricing, Christoph Herpfer (Emory University)
Driving sustainability from within. The role of central banks' credit rating in mitigating climate and environmental risks, Uuriintuya Batsaikhan (Positive Money Europe)
The Low-Carbon Transition, Climate Commitments and Firm Credit Risk, Sujit Kapadia (European Central Bank)
Preventing a ‘climate Minsky moment’: environmental risks and prudential exposure thresholds, Hugh Miller (London School of Economics)


1:00 – 2:00              Lunch


2:00 – 3:15            Parallel panels session

Panel 5: Impact Finance
Chair: Amanda Wallace (JP Morgan)
How Sustainable Finance Creates Impact: Transmission Mechanisms to the Real Economy, Alex Clark (Oxford University)
Quantifying the Impact of Impact Investing, Andrew W. Lo (MIT)
Environmental regulatory risks, firm pollution, and mutual funds' portfolio choices, Simon Xu (UC Berkeley)

Panel 6: Regulation
Chair: Anna Lipin (Yale Law School)
Without Indigenous Rights It's not Sustainable, Moira Birss (Amazon Watch) and Emil Sirén Gualinga (Ethos)
The Sustainability Arbitrage Problem and Regulation of Private Companies, Cem Veziroğlu (Koç University)
Green Pills, Thom Wetzer (Oxford University)


3:30 – 4:30            Fireside Chat with Allison Herren Lee

Allison Herren Lee, former Acting Chair and Commissionner of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

John Morley, Professor of Law at Yale Law School



The 2022 YISF Annual Symposium is supported
by our Platinum Sponsor BNY Mellon
and our Gold Sponsor Avangrid. Iberdrola



Hillhouse Professor of Environmental Law & Policy at Yale University
Director at Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy
Co-Director at Yale Initiative on Sustainable Finance
J.D. 1986
Senior Lecturer in Sustainability at Yale School of Management
Faculty Co-Director at Yale Center for Business and the Environment
Research Director at Yale Initiative on Sustainable Finance
Postdoctoral Associate at Yale Center for Environental Law & Policy