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Martin Becker

Leader of Sustainability & Climate Change at GAC
Master of Environmental Management 2017
Martin Becker

Martin sees sustainability as one of the main challenges for society at a global scale. He believes that solutions leading to a more sustainable future will emerge from the collaboration between visionary businesses, governments and environmental organizations.

As a consultant for Blu Skye, Martin has worked with a leading environmental non-profit foundation to develop a business plan that will support long-term biodiversity conservation, cultural heritage preservation and 21st century, sustainable tourism in South America.

Prior to joining Blu Skye, Martin spent 4 years working for Chilean government agencies promoting public-private partnerships to improve tourism infrastructure and services in national parks. He also participated in the implementation of the National Tourism Strategy 2012-2020 and advised policy makers on alternative uses of public lands. Martin holds a BS in agricultural economics from the Catholic University of Chile. He is a Master of environmental management candidate at the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies. In his spare time, Martin enjoys traveling with his wife and spending time in his favorite wilderness areas.