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Martha Corrales Estrada

Director of Case Research Center at EGADE Business School
Martha  Corrales Estrada

Martha's research lines have been in the areas of open innovation based on IT; media convergence and new business models for health and education; collaboration models and virtual work models; effectiveness in distance learning; innovation systems and industrial clusters and their impact in the digital economy.   Martha has worked in the Informatics Department as System Analyst, in the Centre for Academic Excellence at ITESM Monterrey Campus coordinating faculty continuous education on IT. She coordinated the IT area at the Academic Excellence Center for Faculty IT development competences. She has been consultant in the area of information technology, productivity and decision making. In the USA, Europe, Latin America and Mexico, she has given presentations on IT, the use of IT in Mexican and Latin American organizations, the new role of the CIO in innovation and collaboration networks, and work models related to global virtual teams.